England's second reason for opposing Russian expansion was the fact that if Russia grew too strong it would be difficult and more expensive later, when England would propose a military alliance with Russia and France, against Germany.
But as the records show, England was not able to prevent the building of the Trans-Siberian railroad, and because of her failure England was later compelled to use both War and Bribes to bring Russia into the Triple Entente.
Thus in 1897 the International Bankers made their first move to entrap Russia when Japan adopted THE GOLD STANDARD: Five years later they made their next move, and in 1904 Japan attacked Russia. Fifteen months later when the Russian Fleet had been destroyed and the Russian armies annihilated, the Bankers made their third move, WHEN THEY DELEGATED PRESIDENT THEODORE ROOSEVELT to "arbitrate" a Peace Treaty between Russia and Japan ... This was the first time the International Bankers had used their friend Theodore, but it was by no means the last time. It was also during these proceedings that Theodore entered into a "secret" agreement with Japan (see Mussey's American History 1942 ed. page 566), an agreement so secret that even American statesmen knew nothing about it until years later. (See also Mussey's History, page 560-565.)
But here we are ahead of our story, so let's return to that fateful year 1890 when the International Bankers first began their plans to remove German and American competition. The question which then troubled them was, which of the two nations should be attacked first, but having had some experience in attacking America, in 1776 and 1812, they quickly and wisely decided to center their first attack upon Germany: And to this end in 1900 they set out to secure allies to "aid" them with the fighting. Aware that France was still suffering as a result of the German defeat at Sedan in 1870; and that France had long desired to seize and colonize Morocco just across the Mediterranean; and remembering finally that French ambitions in Morocco had long been thwarted by Great Britain; the Bankers now planned to give Morocco to France, in return for a French pledge to join England in a later attack upon Germany. The Bankers were well aware of the risk they here assumed for a "colonized" Morocco would not only double the economic and military strength of France but would bring this revitalized France right next door to British possessions in Egypt and the Sudan. Moreover the gift of Morocco to France would not only be resisted by Spain and Morocco but might be resisted by both Germany and Italy. But since their European market was at stake and their World Plan endangered, they were forced to assume these risks; and so in 1904 the secret treaty for the theft of Morocco was duly signed by France and England . . . and you may be sure that here as in the treaty between Theodore and Japan, the PEOPLE of the countries involved had no knowledge of the Secret Treaty . . . That Spain made no open resistance to the French-English plot against her holdings in Morocco, is understood when we remember that Spain had just lost her financial, economic and military power in the Spanish-American War; nor did Morocco have the resources for successful resistance. But as the International Bankers had foreseen, Germany DID resent the French-English plot and for a good reason . . . For more than twenty years prior to 1904, almost all of the hydro-electric, sanitary and railroad equipment installed in Morocco had come from Germany and had been paid for with the surplus products of Morocco . . . As in our own case, this "trade and barter" carried on without borrowed Capital had been highly profitable to both countries and particularly to Morocco: And as a by-product of this trade a strong friendship had grown up between the German Kaiser and the Sultan of Morocco. Therefore when in 1905 it was clear that the French-English plot would deprive both German and Morocco of their profitable trade, the Kaiser visited the Sultan and urged the Moroccan monarch to resist the French and English. Sorrowfully the Sultan replied that he could not resist; he was surrounded on all sides by French and English military and naval strength.
But the Kaiser COULD do something about it and he did: He demanded that German trade still have free passage into and out of Morocco (And had this been then agreed to, Morocco would never have become a French colony and France might then have hesitated to join England in a war against Germany.) So at the suggestion of the International Bankers, the matter was referred to arbitration. But what nation or monarch in Europe could arbitrate such a matter when they were all financially interested in the outcome? For this question the International Bankers had been waiting and they at once proposed Theodore Roosevelt as arbitrator, since he, they said, had no interest in the outcome. In 1906 Theodore made his report and as you have already guessed his report was in favor of France and England and against Germany. (Mussey's History, pg. 575.)
Aware at last that he had been tricked, the Kaiser again demanded that Moroccan ports be kept open to German shipping; and since neither France nor England were then ready for their war, they were forced to submit. Out of that affair only one nation came forth as victor, and that was England; for she had won permanently, French support for her coming war; and of equal importance for the success of that war, she had won for the second time, the support of Theodore Roosevelt, who two years later would appear for the third time as a friend of the International Bankers.
With France already preparing for the War, England now turned to Russia, whose boundaries encircled Germany on the East as did those of France on the West. As the International Bankers had feared, the winning of Russia would prove far more difficult than had been the winning of France; for Russia still remembered that it was England which for two hundred years had deprived her of a passage into the Mediterranean, and that in the past fifty years English armies had twice defeated Russian armies at Sevastopol and Constantinople . . Moreover in still more recent years Russia's plan to acquire the oil fields of Persia had been blocked by this same England. Thus when asked to join the French-English military alliance against German, Russia demanded both a passage into the Mediterranean and the oil fields of Persia. This was clearly a terrible price to pay for a Russian alliance, for the Persian Oil fields were already being developed by the British Bankers and were among the most valuable oil fields in the world: And to grant Russia a passage-way through the Dardanelles would not only endanger English domination of the Mediterranean, but might drive Turkey into an alliance with Germany (as later happened.) Moreover to bring Russia into Persia and the Mediterranean might later endanger English domination of India; and the India of that date furnished two-thirds of Britain's income.
But again England must assume all the risks here involved, and with her promise that Russia should have the Persian oil fields and a passage into the Mediterranean, the British-Russian military alliance against Germany was signed in 1907.
A few months later England arranged a similar treaty with Belgium by which English money and French engineers erected a chain of forts along the Belgian-German border. Being already allied to Greece and Rumania by Royal marriages, the fall of 1907 found England ready to begin actual preparation for war. For between 1900 and 1907, England had completely encircled Germany with a wall of steel, and beyond that wall stood the armies of Russia, Rumania, Greece, France, Belgium and England, ready for the word to attack.
Thus in 1907, the English press suddenly burst forth with violent and continued attacks upon Germany, propaganda to secure the support of the English public, for the war which the International Bankers had hoped would begin in 1908 ...
But there was one English statesman who know that England was not ready for war, for as this statesman, Winston Churchill, pointed out, they could not safely attack Germany until a way could be found to stop the flood of food and raw-materials flowing into Germany from Scandinavia and the smaller states of Europe. If these imports had been of great value to Germany in time of Peace they would be absolutely vital in time of war. But how could these European states be persuaded to stop their trade with Germany when that trade was as important to them as it was to Germany?
Again the International Bankers had the answer. They would call in their good American Friend Theodore Roosevelt; as president of the United States he could solve their problem, and he did.
For during 1907 and 1908 the American Government entered into "reciprocal Trade Treaties" with every nation in Europe EXCEPT Germany; as a result of which treaties ALL THE SURPLUS PRODUCTS OF THESE EUROPEAN NATIONS could be bought by the United States and would be paid for with Gold or goods as the said nations might require ... Thus for the third time in four years the "good-neighbor" Theodore had stepped into the World Picture; and by so doing was guilty of a direct violation of the Constitution and of his twice repeated oath of office; but he had pulled the "Big" Banker's chestnuts out of the fire ... But he had done more than that; he had destroyed that Washington Policy of Isolation to which we had adhered for one hundred and ten years to our continuing profit; and he had set in motion that forty-year period of Internationalist Imperialism which has already cost us two Wars, four Depressions, a dozen Panics, and a Financial loss beyond computation. And the end is not yet.
Thus with the three-time assistance of Theodore Roosevelt, the British picture in 1908 stood as follows: -- By secret treaties with Russia, Rumania, Greece, France and Belgium, England had completely encircled Germany with a wall of steel; and by the nearly secret Reciprocal Trade Treaties of Theodore, England had cut off most of the food and raw-materials upon which Germany must depend in time of war ... [Note from DE: Which is why the US remained "neutral" until 1917, for if the US were a belligerent then the Scandinavian countries would have reason to modify their trade patterns to maintain their own neutrality in the war.]
Why then, did not the shooting begin in 1908 when the "Allies" were prepared? Why did they postpone the war until 1914 and thus give Germany six years to prepare? Ah, the reader has forgotten something; he has forgotten that the International Banker plan of 1900 not only proposed to remove Germany as a competitor but the United States as well; and thus the postponement . . . In brief, in 1908 the International Bankers inserted in their Plan a new idea, the idea that if the United States could not be persuaded to fight in the coming War, they could at least be forced or persuaded to finance it.
The Big Bankers had at first hoped that Theodore could be persuaded to run for the third term so they could have a friend in the White House when the war began; but when this idea was finally rejected their next successor in office would be a man "who would listen to reason"; the selection of this man being left to the Roosevelt entourage ... [DE note: See my Rense interview footnotes to learn that J. P. Morgan personally approved Wilson as the choice of a "reasonable man for Baruch, Edward House, Dr. Grayson and the new Mrs. Wilson to control.]
Fortunately for America but unfortunately for the Big Bankers, the choice fell to William Howard Taft; who was later elected. Soon after Mr. Taft's election, Theodore left for England where he would be joined by some "economic royalists" of London and then, he proceeds to Africa for his famous hunting trip. No sooner had he landed in London than he was besieged by his Banker friends who asked if he was absolutely certain that Taft could be depended upon to "CARRY OUT THE ROOSEVELT POLICIES." Teddy quickly convinced them that Taft would carry out the Roosevelt Policies, and thus assured, the jolly friends sailed away to Darkest Africa. But soon after reaching their happy hunting ground they were informed by their fellow conspirators in London, that while Taft was carrying out the Roosevelt policies, he was carrying them to the incinerator. Teddy at once wrote Taft to stop being a boy-scout and to resume the Roosevelt policies or else ---. Mr. Taft replied that HE was president of the United States and that as such he would adhere to the policies of Washington and the Constitution, rather than the policies of Roosevelt, (and the International Bankers). The answer was such a terrific shock to Teddy and his friends that soon after, both were back in London and at work on a plan to get rid of Taft at the coming election of 1912. [DE note: With this plan Bernard Baruch makes his entry into US national politics.]
Returning to America Teddy began his part of their plan for the elimination of Taft, by a continuing series of newspaper and platform tirades against the President: And while Teddy was so engaged, Col. E. Mandel House (Huis) who up to that time had never been heard of, set out to promote a Democratic Candidate who if elected would resume and continue the original Roosevelt plan.
As the date of the Democratic National Convention drew near it was clear to Col. House and his International Banker associates that neither of the two more prominent candidates, William J. Bryan or Champ Clark, could be used in their conspiracy; which left only the scholarly but inexperienced Woodrow Wilson as a prospect. So off to Sea Girt, New Jersey went Col. House for a week's conference with Mr. Wilson. When the conference had ended Col. House informed his Banker friends that Mr. Wilson was perfectly "safe." Thereafter Col. House went to Baltimore to "Influence" receptive Delegates, while his Banker friends went to New York to "influence" Charles Murphy, the Boss of Tammany Hall and the New York Delegation.
For several days thereafter neither Col. House nor his Banker friends had much success for after more than one hundred ballots, the Convention was still dead-locked . . . Bryan having damned Boss Murphy and Tammany Hall, and Murphy having double-damned Bryan, it seemed impossible to get both Bryan and Murphy to support the same candidate. Finally, however, Boss Murphy "cracked" and threw the New York Delegation to Wilson, and the deed was done. But nominating Wilson and electing him were two different things, as his conspiratorial soon discovered. Not only was President Taft highly popular throughout the nation, his Administration had been both free of corruption and genuinely progressive. As for Candidate Wilson he just didn't seem to click, and try as they did his sponsors were unable to provoke the proper enthusiasm. Thereupon the International Bankers went into a huddle, to later come forth with a play destined to secure a touchdown. And as you well remember, they called on the redoubtable Teddy to carry the ball. Or, as they say in Harvard, Mr. Theodore Roosevelt was chosen to run on the Progressive Ticket, or to be still more accurate, to head the Progressive Party, which Teddy and his Banker friends proceeded to steal from the Senior Bob La Follette.
There have been some rotten campaigns in Denmark, New York and Chicago (1940) but nothing before or since has equaled the campaign of 1912, with its unadulterated putridity and its criminal betrayal of the hopes and interests of the American people. . . . For we know now and many of us knew then, that the Big Bankers hadn’t the slightest hope that Teddy would be elected for a third term and that the only reason he had been sent into the campaign was to split the Republican vote, and thus defeat Mr. Taft who would NOT play the Banker's game, while electing Mr. Wilson who WOULD play that game. And play it he did, whether he ever fully realized it or not.
Thus for the fourth time in his strange career this strange man Theodore had endangered his country's welfare to play the game of Internationalism and Imperialism. It is of course possible that in the first three times he had served the Internationalists, Teddy believed he was acting for the best interests of his country; but in this fourth and final effort to serve the Bankers, even the most stubborn of his friends must find cause for shame.
It was the Republican Party which had made him Governor of New York, and the Republican Party which had made him President of the United States; therefore when in the campaign of 1912 his desertion of his Party made possible the election of Wilson and the War and tragedy that followed; it was a circumstance that can neither be lightly dismissed nor ever forgotten.
This leaves but one further fact to be explained in this story of HOW Theodore became President and WHY ...
While the assassination of William McKinley was a tragedy, it was still less tragic than the events which immediately followed - the death of American Nationalism and the birth of those tragic twins, Internationalism and Imperialism.
It will be remembered that having been forced to declare war on Spain in 1898, (to weaken Spain for the later theft of Morocco) and having in 1900 been compelled to accept Theodore Roosevelt as Vice-presidential Candidate, McKinley saw close ahead, the rocks upon which our traditional American policy would soon be wrecked; and that it was then that he gave expression to his now immortal statement, "I regret to see my country forced into the United Paths of Empire" . . . Picture the sorrow of this truly great American as he saw his country being drawn into a spider-web of alien intrigue; being forced to abandon the policies which for more than one hundred years had made and kept it great; and being compelled to follow the "United Paths of Empire" which from the days of Babylon, Greece and Rome had ended always in the swamp of disaster . . . Well might he regret the "Untried Paths," and well may we.
Beyond any doubt when all the facts are known, it will be discovered that his words decrying the Untried Paths, were the words that sealed his doom. For a Power greater than his or any other government, a WORLD Power, a SUPER-Government had need at that moment for an American president who would follow its lead toward World Domination. Such a president McKinley was NOT, and would never be; but if through divine providence or some more rapid method McKinley could be removed, the man who would succeed him might prove just the president for that fateful hour.
And strange or not, McKinley WAS removed and with him the Washington Policy: To be succeeded by the Man of the Hour and the Roosevelt Policy that still endures . . . Thus in 1912 the International Bankers could review the chain of events they had set in motion in 1900: -- a) Spain had been removed as a threat to their rape of Morocco; (b) Russia had been forced into their alliance by the Russo-Japanese War, financed with their money; (c) By their Secret Treaties, Germany had been encircled with a Wall of Steel and an economic blockade; (d) McKinley had been removed to be followed with the friendly Roosevelt; (e) Taft had been removed to be followed by the friendly Wilson: And all was now ready for the great War; all but one thing, -- a method by which America could be forced to pay for that War.
To the completion of this last detail, they set to work immediately following the election of Wilson, and by December 1913 this last detail had been arranged when President Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act.
Having for some years made a careful study of American Banking, the International Bankers were aware that it would be far more difficult to enforce their will upon the 28,000 banks in America than upon some Central Bank or System as maintained in France or England . . . Moreover, they were aware that one-half of America's banks were located in rural areas and both molded and REFLECTED the Isolationist sentiment of those rural areas. Clearly such an extended and powerful banking system could not be molded to their will; nor could they proceed with their plan to make America pay for their war until these strongholds of Isolationism could be removed. Thus through their agents Warburg and Wilson, the Federal Reserve Act was forced through Congress and their last detail had been arranged.
Thereafter the money of America was (in theory) under the control of the twelve Federal Reserve District Banks; actually it was under the control of the Federal Reserve Bank in New York. And that the International Bankers had planned both wisely and well was almost immediately proven, when they sold more than three billion dollars worth of French and English bonds to the smaller bankers of the nation, who dared not refuse to buy them. And being familiar with all literature, they recalled the words of the Master, "where your treasure is, there will your heart be also;" and knowing this words to be true, they knew that in due time the American people would follow their treasure to Europe, and into War.
Thus in April 1917 the International Bankers could rub their hands in glee and say, "WE planned it that way." And so today, from our too much disinterested vantage point, we can look back over that period of seventeen years from 1900 when Theodore was elected Vice-President to 1917 when Woodrow Wilson took us into War, and see as in some vast panorama an unbroken series of wars and revolutions in which thrones toppled into dust, empires follow suit, and Kings, Emperors, Czars and Sultan joined the ranks of the forgotten men, and over which and through which the Four Horsemen, War, Pestilence, Famine and Death rode like the Valkyries of some demoniac Wagner.
From the wreckage there wrought, NOW was to follow another seventeen-year period in which little blood was spilled, but an ocean of tears was spent as a broken world through stock market crashes and panics, depressions and hunger, sought once again the fields of peace. Thus it happened that from the days of Woodrow Wilson until the coming of the second Roosevelt, our people increasingly declared that "Never again" would we "leave our own to stand on foreign ground," and that "never again" would American wealth and manhood be used to save British Imperialism, in the name of a false Democracy . . . But again they were doomed to disappointment for the wars and depressions that had brought them sorrow and tragedy, had brought to the International Bankers not merely an increase of wealth and power, but more important still the certainly that another seventeen or twenty years would bring them the completion of their World Plan for World Dominion . . . And so we turn to the second part of the Roosevelt saga to discover
How FRANKLIN Roosevelt came to
Power and WHY . . .
It will be remembered that in June 1934 Lord Lothian startled the world with the declaration that a new war was being planned for Europe and that powerful forces in England were sponsoring that war. So the question now arises "How long before Lord Lothian's speech had these powerful forces been at work to produce this new war; and WHY did they desire a second World War? The powerful English forces implied in Lord Lothian's speech had been at work since December 1931, our American depression was reaching for the bottom, with ten millions unemployed, and business-failures spreading like a prairie fire. The reader may also recall that in this same year another terrible depression was spreading through Europe and England, and as a result Communism was also spreading through Europe and England, and as a result Communism was also spreading throughout the Continent. On August 7th, 1931 England's best known newspaper the Manchester Guardian said "Farmers are burning the wheat in their fields to avoid the expense of harvesting, and over thousands of square miles no attempt will be made to plant a crop for next year." Not only were English crops being left to rot in the fields, but the fishermen of England had stopped fishing; cattle and sheep raisers stopped raising live stock, and the sit-down strike of these food-producers guaranteed a food shortage in England for the years following. By December 1931 the coal mines and textile mills had closed down and all through England hunger parades became a daily occurrence. And these tragedies cited by the English Press were being repeated in every nation in Europe, -- except Russia. As a result of this wide-spread unemployment and hunger, Communism was growing rapidly in every part of Europe that agents of Soviet Russia were quick to take advantage of this wide-spread suffering, and moving through every Country of Europe pointed out how in Capitalistic Europe and America millions were unemployed and hungry while in Communist Russia there was no unemployment and no hunger.
As pointed out recently by the distinguished author, Mr. John Hargrave, "While this world collapse had been planned by the Big Bankers, the slump had gotten beyond their control." But more important still this "planned" world depression had created a condition in which Communism could and did thrive, until now (December 1931) it threatened to sweep across the borders of Russia and engulf all Europe. This was an eventuality the Big Bankers had not foreseen: It was something new.
In former world depressions of their creation, the Big Bankers had permitted these depressions to run their course, and then, as and when they chose, the Bankers would restore the world to normalcy, and now in 1931 the Big Bankers might not have time to restore normalcy, for Communism might first sweep across Europe and thus end both their power, and their plan for World Dominion. Communism must be stopped then and there: But HOW? To this question the Big Bankers gave their usual answer: By War In Europe . . . Having so decided, Mr. Montagu Norman, the chief of the Big Bankers, hurried to Germany, and then to France, and then to the United States, to consult with other Big Bankers who play the Imperialist game. . .
When Mr. Norman had returned from his visit to America he reported to his London associates that he could do business with the American Bankers, but not with the American President (Mr. Hoover). In brief, in 1931 the Big Bankers faced the same problem as had confronted them in 1912: Now, earlier, as they found in the White House a President who would not play their game. Thus, as in 1912 they had planned to remove Mr. Hoover. Then and there the Big Bankers set to work upon a Political plan, SO FANTASTIC that even the gods who are supposed to be always solemn must have laughed when they heard it. That plan was to finance Adolph Hitler to power in Germany, while financing Franklin Roosevelt to power in the United States . . . Yes, dear Reader, I know you are shocked, but this WAS the plan as drawn in London in December 1931; and they not only "planned it that way" but they put it over as planned.
Thus in January 1932 the London International Bankers arranged with Dr. Schacht, President of the German Reichsbank and Mr. Thyssen, a German industrial baron, to finance Mr. Hitler into power . . . When almost immediately it became known that now for the first time the Nazi Party had unlimited funds and that these funds had been advanced by Messrs. Schacht and Thyssen, the International Bankers to cover up their part in the plot, had it announced that the German Industrialists had financed Hitler as a move against Labor Unionism. As we will now recall, the whole world was fooled by this explanation and therefore the world was kept in ignorance of the real reason for promoting Hitler to power, to-wit: That when Hitler and Germany were prepared, Germany would attack Russia and thus end the danger of Communism sweeping through Europe. But there was one part of the plan which the Big Bankers concealed from Hitler and the German Industrialists and that was: that after a long and destructive war between Germany and Russia, both countries would be so exhausted that England and France would find it easy to quickly suppress what was left of Germany and Russia, and then could recover their European markets, restore the Balance of Power and remove any future threat of Russian influence in Persia, Turkey or India.
Six years later in 1938, after Germany had built up a large and modern navy, a mechanized army and a large air-force, and had taken Austria and Czechoslovakia; Prime Minister Chamberlain met Mr. Hitler in the now famous conference at Godesburg. At this conference Mr. Chamberlain plaintively reminded Mr. Hitler that he had been given the money (international banker money) to rearm Germany; upon Mr. Hitler’s definite promise that he would then attack Russia: And now that Germany was rearmed the Rhineland fortified and Czechoslovakia out of the way, why didn't Mr. Hitler keep his promise and attack Russia? Mr. Hitler replied evasively that he still needed more time for preparation; and that being the best answer Mr. Chamberlain could get, he made his sorrowful return to London. But at this conference, Mr. Hitler had outsmarted Mr. Chamberlain, for the Prime Minister's words had been taken down on a dictograph record and the record put aside for future use . . . Some months later when it was clear that Hitler was double-crossing the International Bankers who had financed him and was not going to attack Russia, English agents went to Moscow and for two months tried to persuade Stalin to start a war against Germany. For that matter what did the International Bankers care whether Stalin or Hitler started the war, so long as both Russia and Germany would be exhausted by the war and thus make it easy for the big Bankers to regain control of Europe as above explained?
At the last moment when it seemed Stalin might sign up with Britain and France, Von Ribbentrop took his dictograph-record and played it for Stalin, -- the record in which Mr. Chamberlain had reminded Mr. Hitler that Germany had been re-armed for an attack on Russia.
Von Ribbentrop then said to Stalin, "Do you now see the plot whereby Russia and Germany were to destroy each other so that the International Bankers through the armies of England and France could restore their Balance of Power in Europe?" Stalin DID see; and startled the world by announcing an alliance with Germany . . .
Since this part of the story is continued in the last chapter of this booklet, we now return to the other half of the Political Plot set in motion by the Big Bankers in December 1931.
Having financed the Nazi Party for the campaign which would end in December 1932 with the election of Hitler (an election in which the Communist vote was but 2 millions less than the Nazi vote), the Big Bankers were ready to start a campaign in the United States for the election of Franklin Roosevelt.
Recalling how they had promoted Theodore Roosevelt from Asst. Secretary of the Navy to the Governorship of New York and then to the Vice-Presidency; and that they had later promoted Franklin Roosevelt from Asst. Secy. of the Navy to the Governorship of New York, it should be remembered that through all the years between his days in the Navy Department and his becoming Governor, Franklin Roosevelt had been under the watchful eye of the International Banker agent Col. E. Mandel House: Thus in January 1932 Mr. House started a nation-wide movement to make Franklin Roosevelt the ONLY Democratic Candidate in the campaign that year and the movement was so successful that Franklin took the nomination by an overwhelming vote . . . Therefore in that summer of 1932 the International Bankers had TWO candidates running for the job of Chief Executive; Franklin Roosevelt in the United States and Adolph Hitler in Germany. And to try to laugh that off: it can't be done!
About September 15th 1932, this author appeared at the Republican National Headquarters in the Palmer House in Chicago, to report for his usual duties with the Speakers Bureau of the National Committee. Talking with his superior on that first day, the superior said, "We are going to have a hard time in the campaign because we haven't any money: Wall Street that usually gives a large contribution has turned us down flat." When I asked, “Why wouldn’t Wall Street help us since they usually contributed to both parties”, the superior answered, "Well, for one thing, they don't like Hoover, but the main thing is they DO like Roosevelt." . . .
So Wall Street had gone Democratic? Wasn't that something for the Socialists and the Radicals to think about? In fact this Republican author thought about it and kept thinking about it until, in late June 1934, he saw the connection between
(1) The Big Bankers support of Franklin in 1932, (2) the Bank Holiday of 1933, (3) The buying of English gold for $35 an ounce, and (4) Lord Lothian's declaration of June 1934, that a new war was brewing in Europe. It was then clear, that as in 1912 with the FIRST World War brewing in Europe they wanted Franklin in the White House and again wanted America to finace the war. And that WAS HOW FRANKLIN CAME TO POWER.
There is more to this booklet, but this has been enough to draw the lessons we need to learn for understanding what is happening to our government today. I hope you will think this over and begin today in organizing the people around you to combat this greatest of all evils the world has known.
America today is a Lone Ranger episode. The Lone Ranger is the Still-Living Good in our national past and current aspirations and we get to be Tonto.